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Enkidu22 (Offline)
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Location: GdaƄsk, Poland
12-05-2007, 05:34 PM

For all people who hold USA side in this discussion: USA become major world power becouse they made tons of money selling weapons and supplies to european countries during WW I and WW II. They would join WW II even if JN didn't attack Pearl Harbour becouse if Axis won the war they wouldn't get paid for all supplies sold to allied nations under Land Lease program! Also most (if not all) of WW II specialists agree that USA was preparing to go to war since it begun (hence the Manhattan program), japanese officers knew this and they wanted to make the first strike.

Also in Wietnam losses amongst civilians were highest in the history of warfare! And they still say that they went there to help! I only hope it won't end like that in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It's not like I'm anti-american, every nation has it's sins, but really it amuses me how people don't understand their own history.
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