I am Emily, i am 14 and live in Ohio.
I would absolutly love to be your friend.
i may not like gardents or sailing... but i also love photography, languages, and manga.
i also am a very proud cosplayer, going to a con. soon auctually. i roleplay. i am very music orianted, i pretty much am constently listening to it(=]). i can be,, scratch that, will be very random at many points in the day. i am unique. i do not follow the "in" crowd. i dont usually care much what other people think of me,, if they want to spread rumors, let them, my real friends know whats true and what isnt.
i will admit that i can be kinda headstrong and sometimes very... obnoxious i guess is the word.
we should talk sometime
[email protected]
but be warned, there are times i am only on the conputer once a month cause i tend to join to many clubs or sign up for to many activites