12-06-2007, 09:37 AM
Samurai007 your points are all valid, but the thing is such stories are often written just to justify US actions. Many WW II experts believe Japan would surrender even if A-bombs weren't used. And it's not that A-bomb alone forced them to capitulate, carpet bombings were in fact more "efficient" especially since US started using fire bombs to burm mostly wooden japanese cities to the ground, in some of those bombings more people were killed than in Hiroshima and countless more were made homeless. Other than that japan was very afraid of soviet invasion and many wanted to surrender to US just to choose "lesser evil". The thing is US wanted to trial Hirohito and that was unthinkable for japanese people, they capitulates shortly after US resigned from this demand.
But Tenchu I think you are exagerating a bit. It's not like all americans think the same as their politics do.