Originally Posted by Tenchu
... Not all Americans, but most do. I take it you are of the minority that disapproves of the governments general actions. Do you realize the governments who perform these attrocities are always re-elected. If not immediately (which they mostly are) then some time down the track they come back. Perhaps they electorate are too ignorant to know who they are electing, but that is hardly better...
I dont doubt that. What I meant is; a soldier on the ground chooses his victims. I do not consider the loss of life of a soldier or militia a bad thing. As long as he is willing to make that sacrafice. Killing people who turn their backs on danger and run is shameful. You cant see this. Personally, I would sacrafice 100,000 soldiers to save the life of 1 scared child. I am a soldier, it is okay for me to make these decisions. I dont came if 500 billion people died in a ground invasion, you are justifying the death of frightened inocent people. Do you even understand the kind of brutality you are condoneing? I dont think you do. You cant see it. I can see now you know more about history than me (even if you are a cyclops), so you might think I am infant to argue on the topic. But I know a coward when I see one. The US will stop at no evil and no peril to have its way and win its wars. It will not accept defeat, it will never bow. This is disrespectful and cowardly. The greatest quality a warrior has is his ability to kneel, and his ability to let go of his own life, as these are the hardest things to do. But the US can do none of this. Their idea of freedom and peace has warped their minds. Now they grab children as they run screaming and burn the skin off of them as they cry. I fail to see the difference between them and their enemies in Nazi Germany. Do you think the Jews in the gas chambers would have thought it was okay for them to die if a willing militia outside the chamber that outnumbered them didnt have to die? I somehow dont think they would have given a fuck about statistics when their guts started comeing out their mouths. You know I have been in a gas chamber before. A REAL ONE. I have BEEN gased. Only CS gas - like an extreme EXTREME form of tear gas. That hurt like fuck, I almost chocked to death on my own snot (that formed in about half a second, mind you) I can barely begin to relate what they felt like. Do you think the people who died by the US bombs thought "Its for the good of the world"? You are really deluded. Your values of freedom and peace have warped you. Now you act like your country had no choice. They did have a choice, and they choose to kill people who did not want to fight. Your statistics do not lift the title of coward. Justice like this is an illusion. A soldier can choose his victim, a bomb can not. Leave the wars for those who pick up the weapons, not the people who run from them.
This is one of the latest victims of the Vietnam war:
This victim is from the nukes in Japan:
This is not an honorable thing. These people did not want to fight. How you can defend these actions is shameful.
i agree with you...a innocent people never wanted a war...so they don't deserve to die...

and we should protect those people or avoid them being hit by an attack or bom...