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(#94 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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12-07-2007, 01:47 AM

Originally Posted by Enkidu22 View Post

But my opinion is: US just didn't try to end war without killing innocent people. They didn't care that Japan would never agree to put Hirohito on trial, they preffered to just force them with carpet bombing and A-bomb, killing hundreds of thousands civilians and burning cities to the ground. They didn't try to negociate nor try to understand japanese mentality and beliefs. They simply wanted to make Hirohito an asian Hitler and sentence him in show-off trial. If Swiss diplomats in Japan didn't started to negociate on their own it's possible that war would end a lot later.
It worries me a little that you think any civilized and sane modern leader would even choose the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians over accepting surrender. As Samurai said, they were not trying to make the emperor the bad guy. Imagine how the post-war rebuilding would have gone if they had. It would be like Iraq now...suicide bombers, complete social unrest, progress impossible.
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