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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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12-08-2007, 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Enkidu22 View Post
MMM of course I know that most americans are against the war and many US soldiers are good people who really want to help iraqis, but from what I know (and I know that from people who were there) 2/3 of them don't. They call them stupid/dirty/ugly and often laught at them in public, you don't have to know english to understand such things and iraqis understand. Also I heard about things like US soldiers giving iraqis beer out of good will not knowing that alcohol is forbidden for muslims, and therefore offending them. Such situations are very often. Seriously 90% of US soldiers just aren't properly prepared and trained for this mission.

About the infos on the news I think noodle covered it very good. Don't believe in everything you see in TV.
I believe almost nothing our leaders say at face value, and am very skeptical of what appears on the news. I think for the most part the leaders on the ground are doing the best with what they have, and I do agree, many young men and women are sent there unprepared. There is bound to be conflicts and problems. We are now finding severe human rights violations being done in the name of American security to detainees, and it makes me wonder...what is the point of ousting Saddam for terrorizing his own people, when WE are terrorizing his people for information?
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