Originally Posted by Nattybumppo
If you've been studying for seven months and still don't know how to describe nouns you must be doing things wrong.
Man, you guys are harsh! I have a different view: a language IS its vocabulary. If you heard "Sono densha wa basu yori hayai desu." and knew no grammar at all, but you knew the words for "That train", "bus" and "fast" you could easily know that the speaker was saying "That train is faster than the bus." The grammar can fall into place, where as not knowing the meaning of a word will stop you dead in your tracks. Plus, a lot of P2 japanese drops tons of the grammar anyway. "Have you decided?" can simply be put "Kimatta?"
If you are learning on your own, check out YesJapan.com. An amazing site. It's not free, but it's pretty damn cheap. And all japanese words have a sound file! Very important!!!! I've heard non-native speakers, for example, say "Kowai" (frightening) when they meant "Kawaii" (cute). When starting out, it's much more important to hear how words are pronounced so that you speak with as little an accent as possible! Good luck! Don't be down on yourself, Nantoka naru yo! (it'll work out!)