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Enkidu22 (Offline)
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Location: GdaƄsk, Poland
12-08-2007, 05:20 PM

I'm too lazy to write so much as you did (^_^) so I will just say that of course you may have your opinion and I'm not saying that I must be 100% right (most likely there is some truth on both sides) but the fact is that most of non-american WW II specialists agree that Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't necesary and every year more and more books and publications about war on Pacific state so. This show that there might have been another way.

Also from other conflicts throught the XX century I developed an opinion that US politics generaly don't care about civilian lives. Korea, Vietnam and Iraq show clearly that they disquise US interests and their own agenda into "fighting for freedom/justice/democracy" and such things, and they don't care that innocent suffer. The thing is that becose of modern mass media people all around the world see this and they start to hate americans.

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