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(#122 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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12-08-2007, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I don't think any of those Americans are here...

Samurai says Al Jazeera is anti-American, yet you say they aren't allowed to show the Army in a negative light. Both these things can't be true. Who is stopping the presentation of Al Jazeera news?

When you say your brother wasn't allowed to show something what does that mean? Did the US Army take the videotape from him? Or is it a policy thing?
I wish i could tell you and i wish my brother was allowed to tell me who is stopping them (if he even knows)... Of course they have some freedom to show what they want, but he's told me dozens of stories where his boss didn't let them air some tapes!!! BUT, its a FACT that they aren't allowed to show some of the horrible things that the US army has done! Thats why i disagree with what samurai said! And because i disagree, of course both things can't be correct!

And i wouldn't say that... i believe some comments made on this forum by americans are rather biast!...
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