Originally Posted by Demonskid
I like Gackt *points to siggy* :3 I just learn better when there is some one helping me and there is no one or no where in walking distance that can teach me. u.u Songs, anime, and books help me a little but I just wish I had some one else to help.
No doubt. I feel for ya. When I was first learning I'd take my dog to Little Tokyo and be instantly surrounded by Japanese tourist. Made things so much easier. There are tons of places to get a Japanese pen pal. When I write friends in Japan, I'll write in Japanese and English. They'll do the same for me. I'll correct their english. They'll correct my Japanese. It's a great way to learn and make friends. One more thing: don't hesitate to try out Japanese if you see a Japanese person. They aren't like the rest of the world: in my experience they'll be patient and tend to clap and act impressed when you've spoken a few words in their language. You get over your shyness really quickly!