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JF Ossan
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12-10-2007, 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I`ll have lived here for 10 years this coming March. I first came over here when I was 17.
Japan isn`t a magical land of happiness. It isn`t the answer to anyone`s problems either, no matter what people seem to think. (Not saying that directly to anyone in this thread. Just... Well, browse through other threads and that seems to be the impression way too many people have.)

It`s a place, just like any other place, with good and bad. In 10 years, I`ve never experienced any problems due to not being Japanese - but enough people apparently have for it to be considered an issue. I have to wonder exactly what a lot of those people were doing at the time that they had a problem, as 99% of the time if you speak Japanese and behave like a Japanese person would in the same situation, you won`t have any trouble.

I agree with Nyororin...There are things that are better than at home, and things that are worse, but I would certainly recommend checking it out if you have an interest in Japan.

If you are just interested in anime and manga, which is fine, as I am too, you can find neat stuff, but none of it will be in English. Pretty much all English-language stuff is published in the US or UK or whereever.
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