Originally Posted by DesiredMess
Do you like it better in Japan or America, and what are some of the biggest culture gaps?
I definitely prefer it here. I feel uncomfortable and strange in the US when I visit.
As for culture "gaps"... That is a pretty difficult question. There are tons of little things.
And how are the people over in Japan different from American behavior wise?
People tend to respect other people. Most people don`t abuse their "rights", just because they`re in a position to do so.
Example, in case it`s hard to figure out what I mean;
A crosswalk - In the US, people will (often) cross as slowly as possible, because they have the right of way. If someone hits them, it`s their fault. Who cares if they`re inconveniencing the people waiting! It`s their *right* to take as long as they feel like.
In Japan, most people will hurry across, often even nodding in appreciation to the cars that stopped for them.
There doesn`t seem to be nearly as much "I`m better than everyone else, screw them." crap.
I'm sorry, I really want to learn up on the culture. I'm serious about moving to Japan one day, and I want to learn how to live like a Japanese instead of one of those complaining homesick foreigners.
The thing is, some people can do this, and some people end up turning into complainers because they just aren`t capable of adjusting. I think that this is far more of a problem now than when I first came to Japan. At the time, there weren`t as many people who wanted to visit/live in Japan. There were a lot fewer urban-legend level impressions floating around. And people usually didn`t form their entire images of the country from anime/manga.
How much language should you know before you go to Japan?
This depends a LOT on how old you are and how long you plan on being in Japan.
If you`re young, and are going to be here for a long time, then you can easily get away with not studying much of anything and picking it up here. If you`re in your 30s and are going to be here for 2 weeks, then learn as much as you can ASAP.
And what are some good courses to learn it?
Can`t answer this one as I learned here, no courses.