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ChisaChi (Offline)
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Location: Australia
Power, plugs and voltage - 12-11-2007, 03:19 AM

Yet another issue from me, haha.

I'm from Australia, going to Japan for a holiday with four friends. Our voltage here is 220-240V, and the plug shape is a bit different from other countries. I've heard that the plug shape in Japan is the same as the US one, and stepping down in voltage won't hurt whatever it is you're using/charging? Does this mean if I get an Australian to American converter it will work?

Since between us we'll probably have a few DS's, iPods, cameras etc I was thinking of bringing along an Australian powerboard and plugging that in through the converter, then plugging everything into that... but will that be too much for the low voltage power? I have no idea about these things =/

Also, if we buy electronics in Japan, is it fine to bring back and charge here?

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