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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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12-11-2007, 06:15 AM

Another roleplaying game... long may it last! xD

Okay, so my character:

Name: Suki.

Origin: Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand.

Race: Human.

Appearence: If someone knew then it'd mean that I suck at my job since I'm not supposed to be seen... ever.

Abilities: Expert on assault rifles. The few ones who know about them didn't live long enough to tell their tales and took my secret to their grave.

Weapon: AK-108

Occupation: I trade people's lives for money. What's the name for that?

Now, before getting started, I have some doubts I would like you to clear. How are we going to interact with each other if we cannot control other characters? And does the plot have to be the same for everyone or can there be parallel stories having nothing in common?

*lights up a ciggy and inhales deeply* I ain't got all day so let the answers flow.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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