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Cloverella (Offline)
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Location: Australia
12-15-2007, 02:23 AM

MMm... I agree. Baccano was just full of gore, but I still liked watching it anyways. The flipping of time frames was interesting too.

Claymore had a bit more gore than normal violent animes (like heads flying off and half of peoples' bodies everywhere) but it wasn't too bad. The violence was definitely needed for the storyline, and it was great (though I haven't read the manga)

I watched the first episode of Shigurui... which put me off it because it was quite gory and the storyline didn't even capture my attention either. >.>

Narutaru... ugh.. worst thing I could've ever watched. It was just twisted and wrong. It started off really cute and I thought it was shoujo-ish, and then it got a bit weird. By the end of it, it was just gory and highly disturbing. I wish I had never watched it in the first place. :|

I'm sure there were a lot more in my head, but those are just afew off the top of my head.

Clover Mistress.
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