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Ryuuzaki (Offline)
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Equivalent Exchange in the Real World - 12-15-2007, 03:13 AM

I know this topic is discussed a lot, but I don't see any current threads on it here.

Do you believe that, in some way, Equivalent Exchange still applies to the real world?

I honestly believe it does, although it is always not apparent, nor does it apply to a single person or thing directly. Equivalent exchange has greater boundaries in the real world. Instead of just a specific person or object, it applies to everything related. Not everything given up or gained is material/physical either, you may lose/gain something material, but gain/lose something moral.

For example, although not always apparent, let's say you come down with a cold or flu, your first reaction is to get lots of rest. Although unwilling, you gave up your temporary well-being to gain sleep.

Now, before anyone uses it, the Lottery, sure, you only give up a dollar or two and gain a millon. What does that have to do with EE? What about the millions of dollars OTHERS had to give up? Is that still not Equivalent Exchange? Many people give up something so one person can gain it? It's still lose = gain.

Sorry, My Death Note phase ended long ago.
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