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(#314 (permalink))
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Tooru (Offline)
Vampire Kiss
Posts: 581
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12-15-2007, 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by obscureLOVE View Post
OMG !!!!
this one is hard.
i have no idea...
aaaa well i have loads of idea but but. i can't decide ne.
YOSHI is super WOW. bum bum xD
SHINYA is drummer of my favorite band and he pwwwwns.
and then KAI who is super cute. chibi kawaii pie.
and NAO
- ish totally confused -
VOTE SHINSHIN!!!! HAhahaaa, Because of me, He's only one vote behind Yoshikikki. XP ( ._.) (._. ) (n_n)/ GO ShinShin! Go ShinShin!

KyoKyo Is Mine, I'd Love to you see you try and take him from me.

I love Touya Forever and evaa~!!
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