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(#318 (permalink))
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Tooru (Offline)
Vampire Kiss
Posts: 581
Join Date: Aug 2007
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12-15-2007, 07:12 PM

NoNo. Claire, Vote Shin Shin, Who cares about his abs look at his arms. *drools* And His doggie is adorable. n3n Almost as cute as him. n___n Yoshiki is Shinya'a Idol, He's always wanted to play like him, But if you ask me he has surpassed Yoshi-san. Shinya has beaten his own idol. *bows to ShinShin* I'm not saying that Yoshiki is a bad drumer, He's not, He's great, But Shinya is better. And Prettier. Look.

KyoKyo Is Mine, I'd Love to you see you try and take him from me.

I love Touya Forever and evaa~!!
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