Originally Posted by DragonShade
It's written on my high school text book that Japanese is the descendent of people of Qin dynasty who immigrated to it. だから、沢山の漢字を保たれたと思う。それに、あの時 、漢字の発音は今と違う。日本語の漢字は古い発音かも しれない。漢字の意味は中国の古語のと大体同じです。 (P.S僕は中国人です、何か違うなら、教えて下さい。下 手な日本語、悪いな、ただ3ヶ月勉強してから) XD
i agree with what you said about the kanji, since it is the sae thing as what i said. haha
is your text book talking about 日本語 or 日本人 because i would say both are incorrect.
The Japanese didn't have a written language until some time after the 5th century AD. the Qin Dynasty was from 221-206 BC. Had people from the Qin gone to Japan as your book says, isn't it not likely that Japan would have had a written system much earlier than the 5th or 6th century AD?
From what i have read it was through korean buddhist monks that the chinese characters were introduced and later through trading with china.
a quick look around the internet shows that people were in Japan during the stone age and there have been various migrations since. the Qin dynasty was well after the stone age. the jyoumon, who had been in Japan from the stone age, and the yayoi, who came to japan through the korean peninsula around 2400 years ago. it is most likely the two groups intermingled. note that this would have happened before the Qin dynasty so even if it was chinese that came through korea is was before that time.