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(#517 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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12-16-2007, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
Okay. Makes sense. What course are you going to study in Japan? Are you going to study the same thing as your university in Paris? All of the schools that I have seen around me don't have these exchange programs that you are talking about. Maybe it is only certain areas that do this. I could only imagine how must money it must cost the school to send it's students there.

When you go are you only going to stay in Osaka? Or do you have plans to travel? Will you be working? Do you stay in a dorm or you getting a place? Sorry, I don't mean to be so nosy, I am just curious to know how the system works.

Lazy students huh? From what you hear about Japan on the outside, and from educational films, students seem to always be on the ball, and never slacking...Hard to see them as lazy. Must take a lot of years to go through with it...
Thats surprising, almost every university in the world has an exchange to program to another country. Not always japan of course, but i'm sure there are some that have Japan in their list of countries. As for it costing a lot for the uni, thats not always true because universities usually send out as many students as they recieve! So it kinda works out to be the same.
Yeah, I have to study the same thing as my home university (paris) because i have to validate everything, otherwise it will not count towards my degree which i still recieve from France.

Right now, what i'm doing is

Series and Sequences, Analysis, Algebra, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Electromagnetism, Astrology, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Logics, Computer science (programming), French lang, French literature, English Lang.

Unfortunately, i'm doing an Intensive course so I have all these subjects... BUT, it can simply be called Math, physics, Computer Science, and Languages because these can all be considered as modules of these main subjects. I wouldn't recommend anyone to do this, but unfortunately i'll be continuing with this course in Osaka, which would mean that i would hardly get to travel, but i have the option of spreading it all out into 2 years (like i mentioned before), so that i can have a lot more free time to travel and do whatever I want. But of course, even if i do it in one year, during the holidays and weekends i sure will be a tourist! And i think i will be staying a couple of months after i finish studying to travel More.

For work, maybe I will work as a private tutor teaching English and/or French and/or Arabic (though i highly doubt i will find people for arabic). But this is not sure yet, i need to check the laws about getting a job with a student visa.

Accomodation is usually organised from your home university before you go to the country. I think for me i'll be staying in a student residence for a couple of months, then i'll get my own apartment if i'm not satisfied.
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