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Souboshi (Offline)
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teaching - 12-17-2007, 08:56 AM

I think you are quite correct in being more likely to get an English-teaching job than a Dutch job and vise-versa. I have actually been thinking about an attempt at a job teaching English in Japan myself... probably to younger children due to the fact that they are more fun in my mind. I have been attempting to to teach myself how to speak and read Japanese since 7th grade due to the fact that I have always wanted to go there and I have always wanted to be a children's teacher at the same time.

I don't think a vacation could satisfy me simply because I have wanted to live there for a large portion of my life and have been moving toward that goal during it.
I truly desire to live in Japan, but I am still not entirely sure how to go about it.
If anyone has any ideas, I would be much abliged.

Thank you.
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