trish says
*manson is the bomb. me an my friends have listened to him since we were kids and went to golden age o grotesque concert. hes awesome. not only on cd, but live, in interviews, and anywhere he goes. he is his own brand, and is one of the moist intelligent ppl in show biz. hear him quote on the colombine shootings and gun laws???? or on tv??? ya ,. hes whacked, but he sounds good to us.and to get it straight, marilyn manson did NOT, i repeat,NOT, GET TWO OF HIS RIBS REMOVED SO HE COULD SUCK HIS OWN F**KING C**K, THERES MORE THAN ENOUGH PPL THAT WOULD GLADLY DO IT FOR HIM. oh ya, tenchu is dumb.

yer so smart trish.....
*hugs trish*
listen to this woman,
she's a genius.