Please, help me to translate this(2) -
12-18-2007, 07:20 AM
Hi, friends!
I got new troubles with that translation. Could you help me?
1- アニメをやるのは56年ぶり位なので(ウンウン),とまどっ て し ま い ま し た。(It's a seiyuu's message - I don't understood what he talks about 56 years, because he has 48 years old)
2- スタッフルームのTokuhiro Matsubara監督にロジャースで買った1本65円のコカコーラを 1ダースも差し入れ. (Maybe just a native could to answer, but you know what/who is Rogers[ロジャース] - I don't understood if it talks that Rogers bought a dozen of coca-colas to director...(?)
3- スケジュールより11日遅れで,いよいよ作画IN。
what's this "IN"?
4- ひさびさにハデな芝居をして,燃えつきました!! (another seiyuu's message)- what's this "hade"? - I didn't understand the phrase.
Thank you very much.