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(#225 (permalink))
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Natsume (Offline)
Keeper of Chokuto-Reki
Posts: 79
Join Date: Dec 2007
12-18-2007, 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by Hyakushi View Post
I know Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Ninjustu, Aikido, Kendo and right now I'm studying PawQua. I'm trying to find some more challanging martial arts but maybe I'll travel after I get out of the military again
That's really cool! How long have you been a Martial artist? Are you a black belt or Chunin in any of those arts? Whats PawQua? Can you explain it to me? Sry I'm bombarbing you with questions but I'm obseesed with martial arts.

"The way of the Tiger is one of Tenacity and Power, and from the Dragon we learn to ride the wind"

-A saying used in our Dojo
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