i have to say teaching yourself a new language is a very difficult venture and i applaud you. but what is your goal? if you want to come to japan in the future you might want to teach yourself hiragana and katakana too. once you have that memorized, you can slowly get into kanji. verb conjugations aren't that hard once you practice. its better to take a course at a college because you'll learn so much more than just studying by yourself as you get to actually speak with other people in a normal conversation. coming to japan is also another way to learn hella quickly. sorry that seems far fetched but thats what i'm doing and its pretty easy. well maybe cuz the language isn't so foreign to my ears cuz i'm jap...oh well. good luck. don't get discouraged...if you've already been studying for 7 months thats a really good start. someday it'll click and you'll feel so refreshed that all your hard work was worth it.