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Acidreptile (Offline)
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12-19-2007, 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
This chick is as childish as I am---

So. I hate him. Well, not his music. Morons think that they should act like manson. Difference is, that he earns millions, but holes nothing.
Its ok for me, but when they kill their pets and the like and say because he said that, I always faint. Most of the manson-fans dont even know what is manson about.
The point is I don't know if Manson is about anything.I could never understand well his phylosophy and points of view.He haves a point being anti Christianity and all but it seens that it is all nothing but a marketing tool.It seens like he acts the way he acts to call peoples attention.And if that is the case and I am not saying that that is but if that is the case he is no different than any other pop star that calls attention much more by the visual than by the musical abilities.Not that he is bad but that is what i think.

Last edited by Acidreptile : 12-19-2007 at 07:30 PM.
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