Originally Posted by Nicknick
It is an interesting issue, even if it is talked about all the time, and too much
It may be interesting to put this in in a study and formalise it.
But, only if the study recognises that a great % of the time, it is not about race.
i.e. people can be attracted to people, maybe one happens to be white, one happens to be asian.
If they realise this and state it, they can then study the other side:
i.e. some people ARE specifically attracted to some types.
I like all types, but I am attracted to asian girls. I don't exactly why, but they do seem more exotic, interesting, and I just like the look - liking a look is not a conscious decision.
I can see the charm of Japanese girls because they are:
- polite
- highly civilised
- interested to learn about the outside world
- very very cute
- great-looking
damn.. we are in the same channel dude!