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SSJup81 (Offline)
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12-22-2007, 04:23 AM

I'm new here, and I, too, was wondering about this topic. I'm a black female, and I would love to visit there someday, but am hesitant because I am black, and I have no idea how black females are treated or approached there. I've never read anything on it, just guys, for the most part.

I'm studying up on the language and the culture. My current problem is that I have no way there, but I wouldn't want to go as I am now anyway (weight and I don't feel confident with my language skills, but I also have no one to practice with outside of a classroom setting). I would like to join up with the JET program, since I am studying to become an Elementary school teacher anyway, so being an ALT might be an interesting experience, if I manage to get into it.
Originally Posted by Housetek View Post
yea tons of great places in america

just dont go to Camden new Jersey, highest murder rate city in usa

or my town philly. 2nd highest

we just had like 3 cops shot in the past 3 weeks
You know, I heard that where I live (Richmond, Virginia) had more homicides than places like New York, which is really scary. I've never seen that type of stuff personally since nothing goes on in my neighborhood, but I guess most of that stuff happens in the city parts here as opposed to the suburban areas. I really wish we had a better gun system, like in places like Japan.
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