12-22-2007, 05:03 AM
I like children, even babies. To be honest, I have more patience with babies than I do older children, especially teenagers. Maybe I'm okay with babies because I never had to be around one that cried constantly or something. All the babies I've taken care of only cried for the normal things: hungry, sleepy (and fighting it), teething, or sick (like when they have a stuff nose, and don't know how to breathe out of their mouths yet). I never had to take care of siblings (don't have 'em), but I always had to babysit my younger cousins.
Anyway, ever since I was about 12 or 13 years old, I made the decision, if I ever get to the point of ever wanting children, I will definitely adopt, since there are too many children around who are in terrible need of a home and a loving family or a loving parent. I have no desire to really get married, and I'm not too keen on physically having children. All I know is that the procedure is very difficult where adoption is involved. A lot of red tape, so I heard, regardless of the country.
I wouldn't care what race/nationality the child is, though, although, a child (or two) outside of my race would be interesting. I'm black, or how they say it here in the states, "African American". Just as long as I'm offering a home to one, it still shouldn't matter. Too bad I'm not financially able to do so at this point of my life, but I will someday. I would also prefer a baby to an older child too, for adoption, since it'll probably be easier to bond with the baby as opposed to an older child, but I know I'd feel bad if I saw an older child who needed to be adopted too. I feel so sorry for kids who are stuck in orphanages.
Going back on topic, slightly, seems that it'd be difficult to adopt a child from Japan. For a story I was writing, I was actually interested in how it worked there since one of the characters was adopted, but at the time (a few years ago) I had a difficult time finding any useful information.
Out of curiosity, if one does reside in Japan, and adopts a child of Japanese origin, even though the parent isn't of Japanese origin, is it easy for the child to get into basic schools, or will the child have to go to a school that caters to foreigners, like ASIJ?