Originally Posted by noodle
I understand what you're saying, but in that case why do you watch these animes? lol.
I'm not psychic. I don't know what's going to happen before it happens. As for DBZ, my first time watching it, I stuck with it because I wanted to know what was going to happen. Overall, though, I prefer Dragon Ball to DBZ. As for Bleach, I grew bored of the series as a whole months ago. I haven't watched it since July...I forgot where the series was at that point. No idea where the dub is either; I've only seen a couple of eps of that.
Most of that stuff is for climax.
They could get to it faster, though. ^^
Personally, yeah i get frustrated when it gets tooooooooo repetitive,
You know, being repetitive doesn't bother me much...it's waiting for something to happen that does or when it takes forever for a story arc to end, when it could've taken a shorter amount of episodes as well as time...but, I am being a bit of a hypocrite here. I'm a big Detective Conan fan. ^^;
but I'd prefer to watch this, than watching 4 episodes in the leaf village waiting for Sai etc etc..
Those eps didn't bother me, since we got to see the other characters interacting. Episodes like that don't bug me.
At least with powering up, there's something to look foreward to. Thats my opinion anyway.
Yeah, true in that way, but it can still be done in a less amount of time and get on with it.
As for naruto fillers. I skipped them all.. They bored me even more than powering up for 10 episodes!
I liked most of them, even if the stories for some were bad. I just liked the fact we got to see the other Konoha kids during those filler arcs. Especially my favorite characters, like Hinata, Shino, Lee, and Shikamaru. Stuff like that made up for it for me.