Originally Posted by Rogozhin
I loved the movie but it was a bit difficult to follow, reading the manga gave me answers to the many questions I had about the movie (how did Kakihara get all those cuts? why does Jijii look like a bodybuilder underneath? where did Ichi's costume/weapon come from?). The anime was quite disappointing though, it was surprisingly short (45 mins).
Oh, I completley agree, there was so much I didn't understand about the movie. The manga made a lot more sence.
Oh, another author I would recomend is Suehiro Maruo. He draw's guro manga, and his art is really detailed and attractive (even though the subject matter is really desturbing). He has too manga published in english "Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show," and "Ultra Gash Inferno." he also has a short story called "Planet of the Jap" that is published in english in a book called "Underground Comics Japan."
His work is hard to get ahold of. You can get them on amazon but they are expencive. There are places that you can find scanlations, but they arent that easy to find. If you can read Japanese, then the Japanese editions are pretty easy to get a hold of.