Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Well how is your Japanese because I don't see anyone becoming a nurse in Japan without a fluent level of Japanese Language.
For Example, See if you can get the gist of this:
加害者と話し合いがつかなかったり、加害者に負担能力 がなかった場合、国保で診療が受けられます。交通事故 や不法行為によってけがをしたり、病気になった場合、 その医療費は加害者が負担すべきものです。あとで国保 から加害者に請求することになりますので、診療を受け た場合...
In order to be a nurse or medical professional in Japan you are going to have to learn very advance Japanese and know some medical terms. I'm sure you also going to have know a little about certain medical coverages such as what I typed in the above paragraph in Japanese. You may even have to get certified in Japan; I'm assuming that you would. I don't think it is as simple as I have certification in the country I am from so I can work in another country.
i start japanese classes this coming january. so, looking at what you typed up, i can't get a gist of shit right now.