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Amnell (Offline)
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12-27-2007, 05:23 AM

I'm transfering to a university next adademic year that has an exchange 'agreement' with a university in Japan that I'm considering applying for.

The university in Japan is Yokohama National University in Yokohama, Kanagawa. If anyone has information about that school or the city, please share!

Also, the requirements to go are that you take 15 units. I just want to make sure before I go signing any papers that a unit in Japan is the same as a unit in America, 'cause 15 is a LOT.

I have another question, but I bet it's already been answered so Ima go search before I ask it ^_^ .

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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