12-28-2007, 03:26 PM
Is the racism here in the U.S. towards asians still that bad? I guess I don't go out enough anymore. It was pretty horrible for me in high school because I'm half Japanese. I had to fight people off often. I also remember when I was in the 6th grade and the chapter about WWII and Japan's involvement came up. I remember one kid said, "we should drop another nuclear bomb on Japan." I'll never forget that one. I also remember around the time after "Master P" came out with that one movie "bout it" he came out with another movie (can't remember the name) where he made fun of Japanese people. In the movie this female he was dating took him to a Japanese restaurant and he began mocking the food and the people. If I remember correctly, he is the reason that ignorant ghetto people nationwide across America started referring to Asians as "Jackie," basically saying that all asians are a bunch of Jackie Chans. The reasoning behind that saying was the belief that all Asians were a bunch of silly and comedic bunch of people; a big joke. I also do remember the Pearl Harbor thing. Those with the racist family members and friends, what is that they hate so much about Japan, its people, and culture?