Originally Posted by MasterBate
Hi! Iv'e noticed alot of people asking about hair styles and such and i was wandering if anyone here could give some advise. Ive never really bothered with my hair much, but now i really want a nice style. I quite like long hair styles (in Male terms), but my hair is quite short and im not sure how long it would take to grow to shoulder lenghth. I also have VERY thick hair and it becomes annoying when i see thin hair types with a hair flowing in the wind, with my hair just becoming a bulge on my head when i try to grow it.
The problem i have is that if i grow my hair, i get a large bulge of hair on top that looks silly, and i cant grow my hair over my ears because they stick out to much. Ive heard people talk about "thinning" their hair but im not sure what this is. Please Help!!!
I like this hair style alot!

These sound like questions better asked your actual stylist.
You know what "problems" your hair has and what it can and cannot do.
Try searching for a variety of hair styles and print off the pics, bring them to your stylist and get their advice on what will work. not all styles are suitable to all hair types and textures, so dont get too attached to one from a picture.
Thinning usually means cutting it so the hair falls without all the volume and "puffiness" i thought. like layering only removing layers to make less volume, yknow what i mean? I suck at explaining hair.