I am a thirteen year-old girl in Florida and I really want to move to Japan. I'm still way too young, but I would love to visit there to experience the acctual thing first. As for racisum, I'm not scared at all. Though I am African American, no one can tell. I am albino so my skin is lighter than any regular colcation person, but please don't mistake me for some white ghost. I look pretty normal. Also, I am told by everyone(espescially my parents) that I don't act like the norm for my race and I definatly don't talk like it. My mom says it is because of where I am growing up. We live in Panama City Beach-the suberbs-and I have always gone to shcool with the majority being colcasion. My parents' do not act normally etheir though they choose to pick on me.

Anyway, by the time anyone my age is ready to go to Japan, we will be surrounded by people our generation. To them, racisum does not excist, only new cultures to explore. We have to give credit to those our age who are the future of Japan and have their own ideas on incountering diffrent cultures and races.