Originally Posted by jrockfan101
Im a BIG Direngrey fan, so is my best friend. So she let me have her Direngrey 04 Code of Vulgar [ism] tour DVD. My mom says it gives her a headake so I can't play it in the living room with the speakers on full blast (Its like being part of the show that way) She also says they look like girls.
But she dosent care as long as I don't play "it" around her. I also ended up chaseing down one of my friends for calling them 'Dir en gay'. Ofcorse she was only teasing but it wasn't funny, and I did not like it nor apreciate the particular wording. She knows hoe much I like them. Ps Not the same friend.
Heh... my mom does the same thing with my Hyde CD. She always says how annoying he is and calls him my "fairy boy". But there's no better music to cook to!