Originally Posted by InsaneDoll
ish oki sweety -gives chocolate chip cookie-
oki .. now I`m going back to my whore (yes I`m still grounded -.-)
awwwwwwww .. you`re still grounded? schmexxed Shin too loud and woke up zha parents?

now that is so adorable.
blame InsaneDoll for making me listen to j-rock because she first showed me pics of them and everything is history.
my first love remains Tsukasa since he was the first j-hottie to have ever seen .. ahem so she then gave me links ...
mueh .. I managed to surprise her good. I think she even fell off the chair

so hooray for moi ne?
Toshi and Dai are my obsessions ever since .. oh joy.. happy happy.
I know they are owned but ugh .. maybe we can reach some compromise .. -rubs on owners-