12-29-2007, 11:08 PM
Omg! X'3 Well.. I'll try... Just.. mentioning some of 'em.
Dir en Grey:
Well. First of all I was drawn to this by Kyo. O_O'' His looks and all these emotions he got going on when he's on stage just caught me. It's amazing. >_>'' Yet, to begin with I didn't like the music that much. Kyo's always fascinated me though. ^^''
I'm pretty sure I discovered these by a mistake. XD haha! But I sure as hell don't regret doing so. Now I lov' 'em to death! *_*
Alice Nine:
Hiroto and Saga!!! *_* I don't need to say more. Yes it was the looks - and obviously it still is. Eeeeek! X''3
Again. 'accident' or.. 'coincidence' if you may. ^^'' I loved the song BURN from the very beginning. Just.. rocks!<3 Yuusuke is teh smexx (and he belongs to me.. -_-'')
LeBroche from this place introduced me for this band. I loved 'em right away. Especially 'Rock the LM.C' *_*;; I kinda followed their growing ever since the beginning of 2007, so I'm kind of a newbie-fan. XD haha!
Ma first jrock-looooove! X''3 I had this HUUUUGGE crush on Meevster to begin with. ^^ Celebrating my second year as a fan. WOOHOO~! I saw a picture of him on this danish Music Channel on TV. Something about Bill from Tokio Hotel being a copy cat. *giggle* Anyway. First track was Jibun Kakumei and DAMN will I luv his music till my heart beats for the very last time. :''3
the GazettE:
I discovered Gazeboys by coincidence as well. ^^ I don't really remember why, but I found ''Zakurogata no Yuuutsu'' on Youtube - listened - was sold<3 GAZEROCK's NOT DEAD and god dammit I will DIE the day they decide to disband. *_* Aooiiiiii<3 -faints-
I saw ''Gothikaroid'' (yush, the PV) about a year ago and obviously fell in love with Jui's voice. ^^ Hell yearh I own this boy!! Cheese and crackers he's the smexx. *_*;; Anyway. His voice is awesome - he cannot dance though. O_o
Again; coincidence. *dances* They disbanded last year - which sucks. But the song 'Sweet Waltz' is addictive. O_O'' I'm SOOO in love with this shit and I really need to meet up with these guys to kick their bony asses into the ground. ^^'''
[ ♥<-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead." - Pot Roast