Originally Posted by GhostBlade
You're only 12 and worried about moving to Japan? Seriously, don't even worry about it. I'm sure you're just going through a phase and you won't give a damn about Japan pretty soon. How the hell do you even plan on moving to Japan being only 12 years old?
which is being ignorant and racist of the unknown...I am also Chicana and born in the US...my greatgrandparents were Mexican...I visited Japan and had a wonderful time there but you have to have the time and money because it is NOT cheap but I am ready to visit here again and am thinking of living here because the Japanese are honest and there is hardly any crime here...I am also trying to learn the language..I only know a little..as for not eating fish and rice..that is the most healthy food around..why don't you try some Japanese food before you say that...I love Japanese food, culture, tradition and so on...Incidently, their food is healthy and I ate everything I saw here and did NOT get sick...sushi is more nutritious and healthier than tacos or enchiladas..Here in Japan, I did not see any fat people like US..most Americans are fat..they usethe subway, bike and walk everywhere..here in US, my coworkers think I am strange because I use public transportation even though I have a car..I know this quote is long but I had to say what I thought..you are still too young and have alot of growing up to do..you are as old as my kids...