Originally Posted by Amnell
Believe me, the majority of the people pissed by this war are Americans--a lot of us aren't sure what our government's up to and we're getting pretty antsy.
There are a lot of people who were against the war in general. As a matter of fact, at another message board I go to, a lot of people have complaints against the Bush Administration, especially that whole lie about there being "Weapons of Mass destruction", and using that as an excuse to invade in the first place.
I would, too XD . But I wouldn't go so far as to Japan-ify my name . Well, I would on request. I would try my best to respect the culture, but I'd also make it known that I have one of my own, too.
This is if I were visiting, of course.
Same here, for the most part, and if I did do something rude unknowingly [hopefully not], I would hope that someone would kindly and politely inform me of it so that I can correct it. If I were to stay with a host family, I think I would make this request after the formalities of introductions.