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Join Date: Jul 2007
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01-01-2008, 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Musashi WAS a legendary champion. No questions.
I know a bit about Bruce Lee, but not everything. I might be wrong. I never heard of any fights. Infact I have been specifically told he was never tested in this way. Do you have time to show me some links or something as proof? I dont have time to search. LOL, fights or no, truth be it, Jeet Kune Do is nothing special, and his words are that of an average pholospher and dont really stand out as impressive or divine.
Hahahaha well he was only a man, he wasn't claiming to be a god sent from japan to teach every little white boy how to fight Haha! but my point was you read about Musashi but have you ever confronted him? I haven't neither Musashi nor Bruce Lee but yet you see him in high postion right. So what if he was an ass or even laughed at his own writting we have no Idea. I have a biograghy of when he sparred in compition but its a VHS (I was 9 at the time, just be glade it wasn't an Atrack player) Ill try to find some stuff tomorrow but right now I'm just plain lazy .
Karate is nothing speacial either but people still practise it right and its teachings work so why would Jeet Kune Do be any different, I teach a variety of martial arts that came from othere fighting styles. Then again I don't practise Jeet Kune Do, I want too but thats when I'm done with what I'm doing now.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.