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shoujobeat (Offline)
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01-01-2008, 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by tifa View Post
awww i really want a movie to come out like "brokeback mountain" awww but with japanese men...kissing AND HUGGING LAYING ON THE GRASS confessing..all that

lol I never watch brokeback mountain, but I did watch this awsome"yaoi live action" movie called Forumla 17**it's taiwanese** the guys were soo hot**sigh** it was a really good film.

There going to a live aaction of the manga Words of devotion by Junemanga. I'm not sure when it's going to come out tho. But I'm waiting for it and I've already got the manga.

There going to a drama based on a yaoi-vampire manga called RH**I think** is's about these four Vampires I think 2 highschoolers and 2 people who work at the school.**It's an all boys school too **

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