01-02-2008, 04:20 AM
I take karate, beside it makes my body healhty and shape *hehe* it’s also cool when doing kumite *combat* in competition, rush your adrenaline, it’s fun.
Tegi (karate suite) is alike Ninja’s suite it just it colour is white. Ninja is cool..^^ I like Ninja. But maybe my otousan and okaasan wont let me be a Ninja, we’re samurai familly hehe
*+*+wATAsHi NO kAZokU+*+*
Musume : SakuranoNamida
Otousan : Aoshishinomori
Okaasan : NanteNa
Oniisan : Zagato, Kay
Onesan : MusicLuver,YukiNnight
Samurai : Kurishi (Rikisui)
Trainer to : Sutiiven