01-02-2008, 08:31 PM
Im making one with my friends called Devils Madallion. Its a bishonen manga.
Its about a young adult named Dasuke (ダスケ), a girl named Misa (ミサ), a man named Rekkennin (レッケンンイン), and a shinigami (しにがみ) named Shi (死) (death).
Shi was banished from the shinigami realm to a life in the human realm because he did not kill the person he was assigned to because of love, so he was sent there to finish his task, and maybe, just maybe, the shinigami king, Ikiru, would have him unbanished and let him live in his home realm. So he set off to do the task he was assigned.
Dasuke, a young man of 18 years (supposedly), is possessed by a demon whence Shi is sent to the earth, he destroys his home and all his belongings, vowing to be the ruler of the demons and take his place as Satan. He had no parents and doesnt know anything of his past life.
Misa (17), is a girl who owns a warehouse and works in it for a living, selling things to the market. Her mother was killed by men because whe had a baby because of rape, her father abondoned her sometime afterwards, leaving her in the town she lives in now, only one keepsake, a madallion her grandmother gave her, it has a circle chape with a skull in the center (rumored to release spirits for sets amounts of time at that moment).
Rekkennin, a man of 34 years, nothing is known of him at the moment.
So, there you go. Lotsa mysteries to be solved now but well get to it.