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SailorBratt18 (Offline)
grrrr to you too buddy!
Posts: 69
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: California
01-03-2008, 02:37 AM

hahaha thanks for the replies! I do realize these animes are completely opposite and it seems ubsurd to compare them. But like I said, I wanted to know everyone's opinion since I tend to be biased. And to all you guys that replied to this, you're too funny! I already knew that you would pick DBZ. Oh and for all you DBZ and DB fans, I believe that there is a movie coming out in 2009 that's called Dragon Ball. It's not animated but has actually people portraying the cartoon characters. It should be interesting if you're into that kind of stuff.

Thanks again for your replies!! (and a special thank you for those who chose SM! hehe)

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