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enyafriend (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 176
Join Date: Mar 2007
01-03-2008, 03:02 PM

Here you go:

*Since its Golden week when we're there, what places should we look out for.. or visit?
>>>Basically, the whole of Japan will be crowded esp. tourist spots, trains and subways, walkways, etc. If you don't mind the crowd, just go ahead and do what you intended to do, and go where you planned to go.

*Are there any "rules" for hanami?
>>>Nope. Just get ready yourself a camera.

*Ive seen a movie in my old japanese class how it is to take out cash from the cash dispenser. Is it really as hard as it looks? Or should I just draw my credit card for everything?
>>>I don't know what movie you're talking about or how ancient that movie was, if you know japanese, then it is as easy as a-b-c. Otherwise, do it at the bank where you can ask questions and make request and there'll be people there to help you out.

*How easy is it to buy japanese series and films with english subs?
>>>Quite difficult. Only certain stores like Tower records carry them. Most don't.

*Is there any site on the net for looking up japanese events online? Like concerts. A site with artists, genres and access to book tickets?
>>>There should be. Try googling them.

*If you got to visit osaka, kyoto, tokyo and sapporo. What would you do and why?
>>>Haven't you done any homework on what you want to do or see? Doesn't it generate any excitement in you to go out searching for such information yourself, rather than waiting for people to "fill me in"?
Try getting yourself a good guide book.

*We're suckers for the clothing style called "Lolita". Does anyone have any tip or hints for this?
>>>Don't know about that.

*When it comes to clothing, will it be big difference between the heat in tokyo-kyoto-osaka and sapporo?
>>>About the same for Kyoto and Osaka, slight difference in Tokyo and big difference for Sapporo.

Hokkaido e ikitai........
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