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Fijah (Offline)
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Posts: 50
Join Date: Jan 2008
01-03-2008, 05:22 PM

Since I never been to a big city like that before, it might be a problem with all the people. But I hope Ill survive. It's vacation so why not =).

Ive studied japanese for 2 years. But I really dont know any Kanji, so I guess Ill go to a bank then.

And I have a really good traveling book from Lonely Planet, just havent been able to read it yet. It's just that you can do so much stuff in 3 weeks that it's hard to choose what to do.
Thank you.

Riee: Seems to be a lot of fun in harajuku, I guess Ill have to go there. We have 5 days to spend i Tokyo. So I must find some good dvd or something! ;P And ofc clothes.

And thanx to you to!

Going to Japan in april!

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