Oh,I forgot to say earlier that I know about the te form of verbs. Teo form is pretty easy, imo.
Originally Posted by Shadowulf
a very good try, i give you 2 thumbs up for that attempt =]
Thanks. lol
but i guess your lack of practice shows in this i have to say, but plz dont be discouraged, keep trying
I don't have too much trouble if I choose the words, but trying to make sentences with words or phrases I've never seen is tough. That just shows I need a whole lot more practice.
personally, i would prefer to use words such as:
私はスペイン語を少し勉強しましたが、まだまだ【上手 じゃない/うまくない】です
watashi ha supeingo wo sukoshi benkyou shimashita ga, madamada (jyouzu janai // umakunai) desu
It does make more sense, looking at it, but, there's no "mijikaku" in the sentence for "briefly". How would I have used that?
ive never heard of 討つ as avenge.... but ill give it a shot lol
That's just what popped up in my dictionary. ^^;