01-05-2008, 04:45 PM
Yes its a big fashion book/magazine I must say I only found about what mook ment when I searched about the translated GLB, it makes total sense I suppose it has interviews with the likes of Mana and other fashion designers as well as products for all the different clothing lines within the genre it also has interviews with artists and other people closely related to the scene Dada of Velvet Eden (who has now retired) modeled for a few issues and drag queen Vivienne Sato has also had interviews in a few issues also along with his artwork, not to mention promotion for most visaul kei bands, Blood is a recent one I can remember
So in a nut shell you get the lowdown on the scene I just got the recent edition today! But the other books I mentioned (Fruits, Toyko Look Book) also give an insight into the other fashion scenes going on in Japan
And its even more helpful that the newly translated versions are coming out this year so I can read about the scene!! If you look at the layout of the Japanese versions what I have explained at first is how I perceive it, although someone else could explain it better I suppose who has been interested the scene much longer than I have
Last edited by staypuft12 : 01-05-2008 at 04:51 PM.
Reason: grammer